Covid-19 Procedures at Lord & Darling Portraits
We take the present danger of Covid-19 very seriously at Lord & Darling Portraits. We go above and beyond the Texas and federal minimum standard health protocols.
1. We are all fully vaccinated and boostered on the studio premises.
2. We have a liberal policy for postponing photography sessions if you or anyone in your family feels ill. Just let us know as far as possible before the scheduled date of the session. And in the same way, we will contact you to postpone the session if we suspect health issues on our part.
3. If you prefer, we can carry out consultations electronically through Zoom meetings.
4. We can operate at your comfort level, wearing masks if you feel safer with with everyone being masked. Of course, when you’re actually in front of the camera, you won’t be wearing the mask. We will provide clean, fresh masks for everyone, including small masks for children, for anyone who prefers to be masked.
5. We run HEPA medical-grade air purifiers in the studio. We also provide ample supplies of high-quality, USA-made, isopropyl hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes. Facilities in our studio for hand washing are also available.
6. We schedule no more than two clients each day. This provides ample time for us to thoroughly disinfect all common surfaces in the studio between clients.
7. We must restrict the number of people being photographed to five or fewer. When we are photograph larger groups, we will use special techniques to photograph no more than five people at a time and create the larger group photograph digitally in the computer.
8. To remind you of the necessity of avoiding public activity if you may be contagious, we will call or email you on the day before your session to ask if you have had close contact with a person who has been confirmed to have COVID-19, or if anyone in your group has been suffering COVID-19 symptoms. If you are suffering any of these problems, we will ask you to reschedule the session.
Thank you for your cooperation. Kirk